Massage Therapy
In the classical swedish massage therapy, the muscles are the focus of the treatment. It is usually used for softening muscle tension or hardening, where either an entire body region or a single part of the body is treated. In the course of the treatment, five different grip techniques (stroking, flexing, kneading, tapping, friction and vibration) are used and applied in different combinations, frequencies and strengths according to their effect and the therpeutic goal.
Indications: e.g. acute or chronic muscle tension, back and joint pain, headaches, migraine, arthrosis or rheumatism.
The goals of massage therapy are muscle relaxation, pain relief, improvement of blood circulation, increase of lymph flow and cell metabolism in the tissue. Many patients also manage to relax psychologically during the massage therapy.
“Marikka Heinl is a gifted massage therapist. She has healing hands. You are treated in a very pleasant atmosphere and when you leave the beautiful practice relaxed, you are already looking forward to the next appointment.”